

Help keep a family together

As an Interim foster carer, you will provide full-time care for children and young people aged from birth to 18 years old. They come into care for a variety of reasons and can stay in interim care for periods of time lasting a day or two, up to two years.

The children come from a variety of backgrounds and have different needs. Sometimes they can return home quickly, for others this can take months or even years.

When a child cannot return home there are several options:

  • remain with their foster carer
  • move to a permanent foster carer
  • be adopted
  • live with other family members (kinship care)
  • live in Supported Lodgings
  • live independently as young adults.

Foster carers will work with a child’s/children’s plan until decisions are made about longer-term plans for that child, which may include returning home. This is a full-time role so the main carer in the family will not be able to work more that 24 hours per week.